Over its 135 year history, the Missouri Pacific Railroad Depot, located at Pacific Street and North Osage Avenue in Sedalia, has undergone numerous changes. The depot was built by the Missouri Pacific Railroad and was originally a two story structure with Queen Anne influences. The following is a brief historical time line for the Depot.
- 1886 Built for $35,000
- 1951 Renovations – Second story removed
- 1998 SDDI (Sedalia Downtown Development Inc.) started planning for a multi modal transportation center
- 2000 SDDI accepts ownership and initiates the 1.8 million dollar project
- 2008 Project completed – OATS and SDDI move operations into the renovated spaces
- 2011 AMTRAK lobby opens to passengers
While researching a story, Christopher Solberg of Rural Resurrection web newsletter interviewed Meg Liston, The Avenues/Sedalia Downtown Development Inc. regarding our organization’s work of rehabbing the MoPac Depot for adaptive reuse. You can read his entire article for more extensive historical information at the Rural Resurrection website.